Have you ever gone on a picnic? Tell us about your experience eating outside.
So I remember when I was in about second grade during, uh, the covid-19 pandemic. We did not have school. Um, and it was, like, boring just eating lunch at home. So, sometimes I would pack a lunch, like what I would normally have for school lunch: a sandwich, a snack, fruits, and vegetables. And, well, I probably brought a water too. And then we have a soccer field near our house with a park and everything and I would just walk over there and eat lunch by the soccer field and sometimes my sisters would come with me and then we would play soccer there. And it was really fun because I was sick of staying in my house during covid-19. So I would just pack my lunch and go to the soccer field. And that was a fun experience because usually during covid, I didn’t get to get out of the house. I didn’t go to places. So it was nice to have that park, it’s nice to have that park near my house, especially during that time.